Mission Statement

"H3 stands for the manifestation of hip hop in all of its various forms. Practically, H3 will throw events, support individual artists, endorse causes, and participate in any medium that propagates hip hop as a culture and art-form. H3 is the physical instantiation of hip hop and lives through the creative efforts of its individual members working together towards common goals. H3 creates hip hop – we live hip hop – we are hip hop."

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mixtape: Nukky Grissom – If At First You Don’t Succeed, Skydiving Is Not For You

Peep the new mixtape from Toronto emcee Nukky Grissom, " If At First You Don’t Succeed, Skydiving Is Not For You." On so focused on success, I'm gonna make it type of content, but there's also a variety of topics touched upon on this project. Free download!


This mixtape is a collection of songs that started out as a “cutting room floor/best of the rest” type thing but quickly evolved as the recording process began. The original project included a few dubs and freestyles but I eventually scrapped those plans and opted to go with completely original material. 

The title itself comes with a slice of humour but I chose it more for its paradoxical irony and backwards truth more than anything else. In other words, the title means “if you want to remain unsuccessful, don’t take risks” and as any successful person will tell you, risk is a prerequisite for success. You’ve heard it before: nothing ventured, nothing gained. You get out what you put in. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. 

This project is about taking that risk and overcoming the fears and doubts associated with taking that leap of faith. I’m at a point in my life where I’ve come to terms with who I am, both as an artist and as a person, and I’m finally comfortable putting it all out there. You don’t have to like it but you have to respect it. Enjoy...

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